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Company Settings

Sevalla uses companies to associate users with applications and databases hosted on our platform. Understanding how companies work at Sevalla will help you understand how you can work with multiple users, and applications or databases on our platform.

Think of companies as the central point in this arrangement that users and sites revolve around:

  • Each application, database, or site belongs to just one company
  • You as a user can have access to one or more companies
  • You can invite other users to your company, application, database, or site

The company settings documentation includes the following:

You can access the company settings within your username > Company settings.

Access your company settings in Sevalla.

Access your company settings in Sevalla.

Update your company details

If you want to amend your company name or address, click your username > Company settings > Billing Details.

Access and permissions

Once you've created a company, you can add applications, databases, and sites to the company. You can then grant other users access to your company. With our multi-user feature, there are four different types of company user roles you can use to manage the permissions and determine exactly what that user can do in your company.

Note: You can also grant users access directly to individual applications, databases, or sites, so creating a separate company may not always be needed.