Activity Log
The Activity Log in Sevalla allows you to see actions taken on your Sevalla account or a specific site within the last 6 months. In addition to viewing who performed each action, you can see when the action was initiated and if the action was successful or not. A green check icon in the Status column indicates that an action was successful, while a red exclamation mark icon indicates the action did not complete successfully.
The date and time shown in the activity log is in the user’s current time zone.
User level and access
Access to the Activity Log and the specific data in the log is dependent on your Sevalla user role. Company administrators and company developers can see all activity, while Site administrators can only see information associated with the site they have permission to access.
Company billing users do not have access to the company-level Activity Log, so they will not see the link to the Activity Log in the left sidebar navigation.
Company activity log
To access the company Activity log, log into Sevalla, click your username > Company settings > User Activity.
You can filter the log by user or site with the dropdown menus near the top of the page.
Company Activity Log in Sevalla.
If you have questions about actions in your Activity Log, please open a new chat with our Support team so they can check into it for you.