Files and Database Storage
When you host a site, application, or database with Sevalla, you can choose the data center where it is hosted. Your files, including backups, are stored in that data center. We do not create copies and store those copies elsewhere.
However, certain pieces of data related to your site’s visitors, files, and database will necessarily leave that data center in a few scenarios. In this article, we’ll explain those scenarios.
Sevalla tools
In some rare cases, data may be processed by a third party. Such is the case if you enable Sevalla’s CDN in Sevalla. When you do that, you’re enabling a premium CDN powered by Cloudflare, which will then log the requests from your service's visitors as those visitors pull your website’s static asset files over their CDN network.
Communication tools
If you share data that contains visitors’ information in a chat with our Support team, that data is then stored on our chat provider’s servers. The same is true for any other communication system integrated into our platform or used by our team to provide services.
Sevalla’s CDN and edge caching
For every service where Sevalla’s CDN is enabled, as visitors access your site, copies of your site’s static assets (JavaScript files, CSS files, media files, etc.) will be stored on Cloudflare’s network. Additionally, if Edge Caching is enabled on your site(s), the rendered HTML files for all cached pages accessed by visitors to your site(s) will also be stored on Cloudflare’s network.
When you pick a data center to host your service at Sevalla, your files, and database we create, are stored at that location. However, in order to provide services, we do have to transfer some limited amounts and types of data to other places, as described in this article.
If you have any further questions about this topic, please refer to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.