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When you add an application, you can choose to use a Docker image or a Git repository. A Git repository is a directory or storage space where a Git project’s files and version history are stored. It contains all the files and directories associated with a project, along with metadata and version control information managed by Git.

In a Git repository, developers can track file changes over time, create and manage branches, collaborate with others, and synchronize changes.

With Sevalla, you can choose to use a public Git repository without authentication; however, it’s important that you evaluate code quality and security and adhere to licensing and compliance requirements. You can also use a private Git repository from any (or all) of the following service providers: 

When you connect to a private Git repository, you must authorize/grant access to Sevalla to verify your identity and access your Git repositories.


As Sevalla is a Kinsta product, you may notice that the integration process is facilitated by Kinsta. Don't worry - this is a normal part of the Sevalla experience, and you'll still be interacting with Sevalla's features and services. Just follow the prompts to complete the integration, and you'll be all set!


For security, your Git account creation date must be more than 30 days. If it is less than 30 days and you want to connect the Git account to Sevalla, please contact Sevalla’s Support Team.

You can also use your Git service provider login with Single-Sign-On (SSO) to sign up or log in to Sevalla.